When Bloggers Attack Others

You’re going to do what to those blogs?

About a year and a half ago I did something in the blogosphere it took me a while to correct. I got wind of a devious plan where a group of bloggers would “comment bomb” a pre-selected blog. I didn’t partake in the group’s first attack, but I did see the fallout. This guy’s blog was ruined and he was forced to take it offline for a week or so. I was appalled by the whole thing and wanted nothing to do with this.

When I learned about their second attack, including the intended blog target, I attempted to contact the blog author in Germany. I sent her an email suggesting she turn off commenting for a couple days. Unfortunately she was out of town and thus away from her computer during their attack of her travel blog. During the “attack” I posed as an anonymous commenter and attacked those littering her blog with mean comments. I wasn’t nice in the least bit making rude comments to those offending participants. I didn’t think what those blogggers did was funny at all. I kept a low profile for a few days after it happened, but eventually fessed up to my blog meddling.

The group’s blog attacks continued on other blogs for a few more weeks (or maybe even months) and I got into a nasty circle of bloggers. I learned a lot about the underbelly of blogging. I made some rather unsettling discoveries during the months following my blog interference. Mainly I discovered what the New York Times refers to as blog nastiness in this article.

I’m not proud of my actions since I basically stooped to the level of the vicious bloggers by insulting them. For some reason I felt the need to stick my neck out and interrupt their plan, however it wasn’t the right thing to do. The NY Times article talks about potentially creating a code of conduct for bloggers. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Wait, I am. I think it stinks, but it’s good to know people are becoming more aware of the nastiness in the blogosphere.

Anyone can setup a blog. This is a beautiful thing and can also be a dangerous thing. Most of us put ourselves out there regularly because we like the feedback we get from “anonymous” bloggers around the world. It’s really good the status has improved over the past year or so. There was a rather bleak time when the bad vibes were almost overwhelming. I almost folded up shop forever because some guy was impersonating me, however I learned how to handle this nasty stuff. I know blogging is free speech so this issue has lots of gray area. Go ahead folks, take this topic wherever you want. What are your thoughts on the future of blogging?

Education is the key they say. I happen to believe this saying to be true. So without further ado, I’m resuscitating my French language blog. We’ll see how well I do with the updates and my ability to get audio added to these posts.

TODAY’S RULED OUT BABY NAMES: Leisel, Tonya, Chyna, Nadia, Marsha, and Sandy.

About lessinges

Seattle native, discovering life! I like ice cream, cold cereal, and The Amazing Race.
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54 Responses to When Bloggers Attack Others

  1. Janice says:

    I agree with you. I know the danger of having a blog is opening yourself to a certain vulnerability. But ruining a blog on purpose is the literary bullying. I oculd never understand why people would just want to destroy something belonging to someone they’ve never met, just for something to do.
    Oh, and I love Intervention, too. I’ll have to check out Montana Meth.

  2. ChickyBabe says:

    For me, nastiness leads to the X button, even if I come across it on another blog as a reader. I simply don’t have the time or inclination to be involved. Blogging is a hobby and an avenue to write and communicate with others. If it ceases to be that, I have plenty of other things to occupy my time.

  3. Amanda says:

    I read another article about this code of conduct for blogging last week or the week before. This is an interesting topic to me because I have been the target of nasty comments and it caused me to stop blogging for over a year. Granted, I was also kind of running with a “crowd of bloggers” who weren’t the best. I don’t think there should be “written code.” I think people should have common courtesy and not act like total douche bags when reading and/or commenting on other’s blogs. The Golden Rule may seem so “kindergarden,” but it really does apply in all aspects of life. Even in the blogosphere. You know most of my feelings about this, so I won’t go into a typical Amanda-style comment here.
    Very excited about the French blog coming back. Maybe this will cause certain lurkers to come out of the shadows.

  4. patches says:

    I haven’t had problems yet with any sort of comment bomb phenomenon. It’s interesting that you mention the”code” I skimmed the first part of it a few days ago. I’m not really in favor of it, because it reminds my of all the non-binding congressional resolutions I’ve been seeing. I don’t feel like it will really succeed in holding people to a higher standard of conduct. I think they are are either going to observe standards of courtesy or they aren’t. I’m going to do my best to be respectful and courteous code or not.

  5. tori says:

    I love that you helped (or tried to help) the victim. That confirms in my head who I believe you to be in real life.
    Luckily, so far, no one has been vicious to me. I welcome people disagreeing with me in a respectful way, but I would hate it if people were rude for no apparent reason!

  6. Rachel says:

    Egan ~ You know some of the issues that I had dealing with my blog troll. There were times when it was very hurtful and some things that he said were so vicious and degrading.
    Having dealt with someone who insulted every person that commented on my blog was very difficult for me.
    After choosing to moderate the comments on my blog it has really changed my attitude towards what I feel I can write.
    The blog troll was so nasty that there were things that I wouldn’t write about so that he didn’t have even more ammunition – not that he needed any.
    I blocked this person from my Gmail account (he would send me nasty emails too) and the last thing that I heard from him was that he was going to start his own blog to bash me and my friends.
    People like this need to get a life. Or take up knitting.
    I think that a general code of ethics would be great. But I don’t want someone telling me what I can or cannot write. It smacks of communism to me.

  7. furiousball says:

    I haven’t been attacked. I don’t think I’m significant enough to be comment bombed…oh well. Wait, that’s a good thing, right?

  8. sizzle says:

    good for you! why would anyone need to waste their time on such a thing as “comment bombing”? i just don’t understand it.

  9. Lynn says:

    That you were willing to defend someone else, because you knew that it was the right thing to do, is quite admirable. It takes courage to stand up to bullies!
    That there are people who have nothing better to do than to “stir up trouble” is a fact of life. Rules will be followed by law abiding citizens…not the thugs they were intended for.

  10. meno says:

    This subject scares me. I don’t understand why people who don’t like what is on a blog don’t just stop reading it.
    The level of energy some of these people expend to harass a blogger is incredible.
    I don’t think the rules would work.

  11. logo™ says:

    I know some people regard the deletion of comments as an infringement on someone else’s freedom of speech but I have to say, I think my blog is MINE and I reserve the right to delete anything from it I choose, my own text or someone else’s.
    Voluntary rules of civility are not going to solve this kind of problem. Only those who VOLUNTARY choose civility will abide by them.

  12. Hilly says:

    When I first stepped onto the blogging scene, I too got caught up in the nastier side of blogging and commenting. Man, if there was a flame war, I was sure to be in the middle of it…then I would pull all of my friends to attack this poor person. I am not proud but it was over 7 years ago and I have grown up a LOT.
    Part of what makes blogging so great are these little transitions we make. Also, a censored blog bowing down to a code of conduct would not be a blog full of real thoughts and that is what I like to read!
    I like to pretend that the blog world isn’t a nasty place just because I surround myself with good people, but we often get reminded that it is out there. Badges and buttons aren’t going to stop that; in fact, they might make it worse.

  13. Gwen says:

    I don’t know where exactly I fall on this. Because I’ve never been attacked, it’s easy to sit in my ivory tower and wonder what the big deal is. You know, to say that words only have power when you give it to them. But that’s not as simple to do when you’re the one under fire, I realize.
    I don’t really get the hatefulness and negativity and the amount of energy that can go into fanning its flames, but it’s really fascinating from a mob mentality, psychological standpoint, isn’t it? I mean, the ways we allow other people’s behavior and/or the cloak of anonymity to loosen the ropes of society’s rules? I was watching this thing about Auschwitz the other night (which I couldn’t get through without crying over) and it’s gotten me pondering where the impetus for such evil lies. Not that blog wars are genocide–but I think the darkness really does come from the same dank place in every human.

  14. Candace says:

    I’ve been lucky. So far. *knocks on wood* I think I’ve deleted one comment on my blog. I left the other up, because the author’s ignorance amuses me so. ^_^
    I think the hardest thing to remember is that a troll doesn’t get emoptionally involved. They simply drop inflammatory bombs and then sit back and laugh when others get sucked in. Ignoring them can be hard, but is really the only thing that works.
    As far a a code of conduct, I think that’ pretty meaningless. The people who are going to sign on are the ones who would act like that anyway, so it’s a bootless action. I do think it’s kinda sad that there’s even a percieved need for one. Some people say that “there are no bad people, only good people who sometimes do bad things.” They’re full of crap. ^_^

  15. L says:

    Thanks for reminding me that not everyone out there has good intentions (and I don’t mean that facetiously). I take it for granted that I’ve had the good fortune of meeting like minded and courteous people every day, whether in the blogosphere or the walking world. I did turn off anonymous commenting a while ago when I got weird comments from someone selling diaper cakes.

  16. Burr-ee-toe says:

    Okay, I’ll be the token retard because I’m not quite understanding. Why would anyone want to bomb someone else’s blog? Because they don’t like what that person is saying? If that’s the case, its pretty juvenile… said the girl with a large stuffed animal collection sitting on her desk.

  17. sprizee says:

    That’s human nature. Sure, you could regulate it, but do we really need more rules? Or you could think to yourself, Hey hate mail! I have arrived! Then delete the morons comment and get on with it.

  18. Lynda says:

    I never knew there was evil lurking in the blogging world. I probably would have tried to defend the person too.
    I do have someone on my blogroll from Malayasia who has said he has to be careful what he posts about because his government could read it and even arrest him for what he writes. Free speech isn’t everywhere. But that is the worst I have heard.

  19. brookem says:

    hi egan. i found you through a couple other blogs i visit. i like your writing already:)
    even though you got pulled all into the thick of things, your intentions were in the right place. you were trying to help to begin with.
    the future of blogging? i wonder…

  20. Trick says:

    Some people do not get out enough….
    But defending a blogger is DEFINATELY not the same as attacking one.
    Peace, love, and Belbin!

  21. naynayfazz says:

    Call me naive but I never realized this kind of shit really goes one. How high school is this whole nasty blogger syndrome? I don’t get it. I am not a mean person so it doesn’t make sense someone would do that a fellow blog. Thanks for informing me.

  22. justrun says:

    To be honest, I’m blisfully ignorant of the “evil” (I guess you might call it) in the blog world. I approach my blog in the same way I approach the rest of life- there’s the good and the bad but mostly, it’s good. I like to think most blogs I read are real in this way, but again, maybe that’s just my ignorance speaking. I also like to think the folks who visit my blog are the same way and most blogs I visit (not always the same sites)come from this same stance. I’ve read some very popular blogs in the past that are either a) mean, rude or condescending or b) all rant, all the time and really, I can’t stand them. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is yes, I probably live in a secluded blogging world and no, I don’t want to be out of it any time soon.
    As for a code of conduct, I’m unsure if it would really rule out the bad. I think the blogpsphere (I am so not crazy about that term) is a lot like junior high sometimes: The rules are there but if people want to gang up on someone, is there a way to prevent it entirely? I’m not sure.

  23. Cheryl says:

    Ah, free speech. So great and yet so vague at the same time. Mean people suck in the blogispere and 3-D world.

  24. egan says:

    Janice – hey, how are you? I’m sorry I haven’t paid a visit to your blog recently. Yes, Intervention is a highly addictive show. Correct, this nastiness I speak of is identical to online bullying which makes it even dumber.
    ChickyBabe – you’re so right. I don’t have time for it. A couple years ago I might have tried to combat the ugliness, now I steer clear. I won’t even visit certain blogs in order to keep my distance.
    Amanda – isn’t it so true how normal common decency should take care of these matters. Why must there be a need to introduce codes or guidelines? Maybe that’s what they said prior to traffic lights. So far the lurker you speak of still seems to be hiding.
    Patches – I love the comparison to non-binding congressional resolutions. What chance would it have in succeeding? I think some of the blog providers could be a bit more accountable to help out though. You’ve always been more than kind on my blog, claws or not.
    Tori – why thank you. How nice of you. Consider yourself lucky then since you haven’t been attacked. Rude people suck.
    Rachel – your comment makes it seem like knitting is a bad thing. Actually I know you don’t mean that since my mom knits. Yes, the guy bugging you needs to get a life. I’m happy you enabled comment moderation.
    Furiousball – I think guys are less likely to get attacked. I think male bloggers get obsessed with female bloggers easier than women do. I could be way off base there though.
    Sizzle – “comment bombing” is/was dumb. I didn’t get it which is why I intervened as best as possible.
    Lynn – thugs is a great term for the nasty bloggers. Thankfully I don’t see many of them around anymore. Their antics grew old fast. Thanks for the kind sentiments.
    Meno – I’m with you on the rules thing. I don’t think they’d do a damn thing aside from a legal leg to stand on. Yep, just stop reading or learn how to deal with your jealousy.
    Logo™ – deleting comments is perfectly fine in my book. I’d rather not have to do it, but occasionally there comes a time when it’s needed. Trust me it works too.
    Hilly – you’ve been blogging for quite some time then. What did you gain from being part of those “flame wars”? Just asking is all. Thanks for fessing up by the way. Buttons and badges aren’t going to do a damn bit of good if you ask me or anyone else commenting on this post.
    Gwen – the mob mentality is a key apsect in the comment bombing stuff. I think they liked their group of bloggers and fed off of each others nastiness. It was full of stank if you ask me. Be thankful you’ve never been harassed as it’s no fun.
    Candace – ignoring them is so hard to do, but it’s the best way to shut them up. It doesn’t allow them to get the best of you. I’ve found ignoring the comments or deleting them is the best option. Unfortunately there are bad people and I’ve met several online.
    L – I don’t think there are as many mean spirited bloggers as there were say 12 months ago. They’re pretty easy to spot and their act grows tiresome fast. Diaper cakes? Do I want to know what those are?
    Burr-ee-toe – I’m glad you asked for clarification. Supposedly the goal of this comment bombing was to give a low traffic blog attention. They would choose a blog with very few, if any, comments on it. They chose a day and a time and would warm up by commenting on their own blogs. Once the given time was reached all the bloggers pulled up the URL of the blog and started commenting as fast as they could for 10-15 minutes. 15-20 minutes later there would be anywhere between 50-150 comments on this lonely blog. I guess they thought it was funny, but the comments sometimes got too personal. They’d have a recap after the event and laugh about all the shit they did to the blog. So uncool in my book. I went toe-to-toe with a couple of them and finally had to let it go. It wasn’t worth the effort to sway them.
    Sprizee – I’m all about deleting lame comments like that. I think you could use some more structure in your life.
    Candace – I was so confused, thanks for clarifying this.
    Lynda – there’s a lot less evil lurking these days, but just make sure you know there are elements of it still present. Yes, we tend to take our free speech for granted.
    Brookem – hi and welcome to my blog. Thanks for your support. I felt I did the right thing even though I burned a few bridges in the process. Thank you again for the visit.
    Trick – you had to throw the Belbin thing out there didn’t you? Thanks. When is the next Winter Olympics?
    Naynayfazz – I think there’s significantly less nastiness out there these days. A couple years ago it was pretty bad, but I think many have been weeded out. Just be aware, but don’t let it change how you blog.
    Justrun – ha, I’m not fond of the term “blogosphere” either. It sounds too scientific when all we’re really doing is visiting websites and providing feedback for the author of a website. There’s nothing wrong with keeping a secluded blogging world. I honestly don’t think there’s a way to prevent it entirely. Your junior high statement is very accurate. Thanks for your thoughts.
    Cheryl – yes, it’s funny how much blogging can mirror real life.

  25. Hypersonic says:

    I think that what you did was justifiable. At least I have felt this way about malicious bloggers and have often been tempted to “take the law” into my own hands. But sad to say these people do exist and they always will, they seem to have migrated over from the irc channels and now have a bigger playground in the blogosphere.

  26. Brooke says:

    I’m so glad that I was working during those blog attacks, otherwise I may have found myself getting caught up in the mob mentality.
    Do unto others…that’s the one code we all should live by. Bloggers or not.

  27. L says:

    Did their blogs get shut down?
    And yes, you may want to know….

  28. mez says:

    there was someone imitating you? That’s absolutely crazy!
    I don’t think you defending that person, or warning them is the same as the attacks. I think it’s great that you were looking out for someone else. I can’t believe people do that!
    I remember before I started on blogspot there was a lot of drama about sites being hacked into and taken over by someone else.
    People obviously have too much time on their hands or are a few brain cells short.

  29. The OE says:

    Blog terrorism. Sounds like an underground operation that could use some infiltration. Good thing you’ve come over to the good guys.

  30. Chris says:

    Last summer, my free speech rights were violated to the point where I was suspended without pay from my job for comenting about and adjunct at the college on my blog, and on my time. In fact, I have good reasonto believe that the only way this adjunct discovered the blog entry was because she was stalking me.
    Anyway, my point is that I am a huge proponent of free speech and while there are people that cross the line, it has to be all or none.
    That being said, the line between free speech and invasion of personal space, and lible/slander are questionable.
    In the end, for every 1000 civil people enjoying the medium there’s always gonna be a total ass or two that’ll fuck it up for the rest. So, let’s all just strive to stay in the majority.

  31. Airam says:

    I’ve been harassed on my blog in earlier days (the one that stung me the most was when I did a post on my niece being born back in July and a comment was made “I hope she doesn’t grow up to become a whore like you” … I don’t care if they’re going to bash me but my newborn niece??).
    I think that there will always be people out there who will bash you if they feel “threatened” or jealous.

  32. Amanda says:

    Ha! Funny about the traffic lights…maybe they did, at one time, think people could figure things out without lights telling them when to go and when to stop. I have higher hopes for the world of blogging, though. I think that if enough good-hearted and like minded people continue to blog positively, the negative bloggers will, in the end, destroy only themselves. Maybe I’m just a tad optimistic and looking at things through rose-colored glasses, but that is my hope.

  33. Carrie says:

    Hey Egan – I don’t remember how I found you, probably through a few links I have, but I’ll def. be coming back.
    You raise an important question – as a relative newcomer to public blogging (although private/friend only blogging for years) it never occurred to me that there were organized attackers out there… perhaps it was naive of me to believe that, but then again who really knows anything when it comes to people we run across on the internet?

  34. Whether there is a code of conduct for blogging…well, whatever…how about if people take it upon themselves to have a code of conduct for life in general and then think about how little problems we would have if everyone did that? Blasting someone’s blog like that can be like walking down the street and keying someone’s car. Not as pricey as the car repair, but still.

  35. Karla says:

    That link my friend, shows just how sad and scary blogging can be. Death threats, no matter what the context, are death threats and need to be taken seriously.
    I dont know if a code of conduct is the right answer, but that is so not OK.

  36. egan says:

    Hypersonic – thanks for the support. I’m not sure I would ever want to take the law into my own hands, but I do understand your point. What are IRC channels?
    Brooke – yeah, you’re one of the few that actually witnessed the mayhem who happens to read my blog still. I like your code and think it can apply to everything.
    L – nope, their blogs didn’t get shut down. I assume you’re talking about the attackers. The victims shut them off to prevent more hateful comments on their blogs. Diaper cakes? I think I’m about to learn way too much about something. Yep, that’s some crazy shit.
    Mez – correct, someone has imitated me. They used my name on different blogs and commented. I’m not sure about you, but I’ve only met two other Egans in my entire life so I don’t think it’s was coincidence. Then I checked their profile and they had listed my hobbies as theirs. It really got under my skin someone was out there commenting as me. Mez, it’s ridiculous what lengths some people will do fun a cheap thrill.
    The OE – welcome to my blog. I was never on the “bad guys” side. I just happened to get wind of what was going down and kept my distance.
    Chris – yeah, I know your situation and it sucked. You’re so right, it only takes a few assholes in a group of 1,000 or so to make life miserable for others. And yes, the free speech line can be very hazy in blogging just like in life.
    Airam – somebody said that about your niece on your blog? What the fuck is wrong with people? I think there’s much truth to the jealous and threatened remark you make. Wimps!
    Amanda – I like your optimism and I think it’s contagious. As long as you don’t encourage vicious bloggers to continue their wrath, things will hopefully improve.
    Carrie – hello and welcome to my blog. There aren’t as many freaky bloggers out there these days, but make sure to keep a slightly skeptical perspective. Especially if you’re a woman and you post pictures of yourself on your blog. Just be yourself and keep a tiny bit of skepticism going. Thanks for your visit.
    steppingoverthejunk – I couldn’t agree more. We don’t need a code of conduct. We have laws that state it’s illegal to kill, but does that prevent murder from happening? Sadly not.
    Karla – wow, there’s some crazy stuff on that blog. The threats to the blogger are insane. I read about five minutes worth and had to stop myself. Who says that stuff to people? The code of conduct won’t do shit to deter asshole commenters such as the ones on that blog.

  37. celeste says:

    I’m horrified that people would do that! I agree with many of the above comments, and if I got rude comments I’d simply leave the blogosphere. I don’t think we need a code of conduct though…what happened to “do unto others”?

  38. egan says:

    Celeste – that’s exactly it, a code isn’t needed. People just need to use their heads. Be respectful of others. Is that too much to ask?

  39. Funnyness aside …
    I don’t think there’s a need for a “Blogger code of conduct.” Or, rather, while there might be a need, there would be no practical way to enforce such a code. How do you a spambotblogspot to agree to it, for instance?
    I’ve got my own safeguards in place. The right-sidebar on my blog informs people that I’ve self-rated my blog as an “R.” In addition, I spell out a comment policy — spam will be deleted. Everyone else’s comment will appear. Threatening comments will be reported to the police.
    I think a formalized “blogger code of conduct” infringes on censorship.

  40. Egan, I’m just pokin’ some light hearted fun at you with that first comment. 🙂
    Woohoo! 43rd!

  41. egan says:

    Snay – wow, you actually contributed to the content of a post. This must be a first on my blog. I’m even more shocked you checked back on a comment of yours.
    Yes, I think the code of conduct thing is completely stupid. It will do nothing to slow down the freaks. We need to learn how to identify them and not fuel their fire. It’s good you have a policy spelled out.
    Snay – are you though? I read your post and saw your comment on Chicky’s blog about it. It’s something that started out as a joke on her blog and has spiralled out of control. But it’s fun. I’ve never seen anyone on Chicky’s blog not address the real topic at hand after claiming the first position. If you don’t get, no big deal… ignore it. Make sense?

  42. Egan – Bah, I contribute! It’s something I’ve been doing for quite some time on several people’s blogs, I just don’t get the point, and then choose to give whatever number my first post is the same value as the #1 post. Because, really, if post #1 is always getting all the attention, all the others are going to feel left out.

  43. egan says:

    Snay – sure, whatever. I get your point. The reason I started claiming the first spot with Chicky is the time zone difference between Seattle and Sydney. I don’t think anyone is saying the first comment is anymore important than say the 43rd one. Look, I’m addressing you right aren’t I? So what if you don’t get the point. Move on!

  44. Pants says:

    I’m glad that whole mess is in the past but I’m semi-glad for it because that’s when you and I moved into BFF territory.
    Same as Brooke, I’m all about the golden rule.

  45. egan says:

    Pants – you can say that again. We were partners exposing the underbelly of nasty blogging. We were like virtual superheroes. Or at least this is the story repeating in my mind. Oh yeah, Brooke says all the right things.

  46. The Grunt says:

    Well, the future surely doesn’t lie in Gruntstock. I think that more people will go to Face book type sites. Blogging has suffered from an influx of “social only” blogging habits and less of an actual blog. I had no intention of doing the rounds socially, so to speak, when I started and I found that I wrote freer back then. I think blogging will always appeal to people who want others to read their thoughts, or at least people who have enough mental staying power to do so, to write consistently.

  47. ubermilf says:

    I mistakenly participated in the “comment bomb.” I was told it was to bolster a lonely blog, to reassure her that her voice was being heard, and to say nice things to her.
    I am sad to say I was duped by these people and it turned ugly. I am happy to say I disengaged myself from them. When they then turned on me, I simply removed their comments.
    I don’t know that a “code of conduct” would serve the purpose it intends. Those who don’t care about others won’t follow it anyways.

  48. CS says:

    I’ve had a blog for a little less than a year, and I’ve never encountered this phenomenon personally. It baffles me, really. I get critical comments at times, but not anonymously and they stay civil. I’m fine with that. In fact, I only very recently got my first ever truly anonymous comments, which were just a shade hostile. Not a big deal. If it got worse, I’d just delete them. I guess if I got comment bombed, I’d turn on the comment moderation function so I could weed those out. I truly don’t thin a code would help deter anyone, and I don’t want anyone imposing a code on me. I’ll behave myself, but I’ll do it of my own free will, thanks. And so far, so god – I maintain a friendly and respctful stance with every blog I comment on – even if I’m disagreeing with a particular point. Because, if I didn’t like the blog or the blogger, why would I want to waste my time? (See, it’s a compliment that I’m here commenting!) I think its probably just a bitter minority doing this stuff, trying to have a little bit of power in their ptiful lives. Too bad for them.

  49. egan says:

    The Grunt – does this mean you’re phasing out your blog? Are you downsizing? Facebook beats the hell out of MySpace, but I don’t see it as a blog replacement for me.
    Ubie – exactly and since you know what I’m talking about… we know those bloggers aren’t all too friendly. I’m glad you turned the other cheek to them.
    CS – be thankful you haven’t had to do much deleting. I’ve had to do a bit of it, but it’s really not too painful. It sucks when you encounter one of these blockheads, but they can only keep up their charades for so long.

  50. relax…it will all be okay.

  51. B says:

    Hello Egan
    great blog- I have heard about people hacking other blogs but never heard anything about comment bombs – that’s crazy but I guess there are a lot of bored people out there? sad and pathetic
    I came about your blog via ariam’s blog
    Have a great week end. and have you ruled out belinda as a baby name yet? something to think about LOL

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