Beeping the Pavement

My wife did her breast cancer 3-Day walk over the weekend. Tons of walking in unseasonably warm Seattle weather. I did my best to see her as often as possible on the course during those three days. I witnessed the strength of people who put their heads together in an attempt to fight cancer. The closing ceremonies were really well done and of course there were plenty of tears shed. Anna and I did our best to cheer everyone, including the Breastie Boys. Even if Mrs. Lessinges never does another 3-Day walk, I would love to support the walkers since I had such a marvelous time. Their enthusiasm is electric. What do I mean? Get this, 3600 walkers raised 8.6 million dollars! Now that’s simply amazing. Great job to my wife and the 3599 (give or take a few hundred) walkers, volunteers, and supporters.
Last week I met a couple wonderful bloggers, QT & Meno, in Seattle for lunch. We had a nice time shooting the shit. I always love whenthe talk shifts to blogging. That’s when I get really excited and have to sit on my hands. Such a fascinating topic I tell you. I dropped them off downtown at the bookstore and I actually purchased a book, The World Without Us, which I plan to read. Keep me honest. Thanks for the fun time Meno and QT.
Speaking of meeting bloggers. I’m currently in Toronto as I type this on official work business. Let’s just say what I do is so important I was flown across the country and then north into a another country. Better yet, I saw a woman wearing legwarmers over her jeans. Normally I wouldn’t think it was hot, but this woman pulled it off quite well.
Annalicious New Thing: she loves to say “beep” as I sound the Prius car horn. I honked so much during the 3-Day walk Anna decided it would be a great time to mock the sound. It’s fair to say both of us have a huge crush on our little one. Beep beepin’ beep beep!

About lessinges

Seattle native, discovering life! I like ice cream, cold cereal, and The Amazing Race.
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27 Responses to Beeping the Pavement

  1. Cléa says:

    Well done on the walk. I’m sure it was an emotional time.
    Lucky you to be travelling. I’m so proud you’re taking fashion notes!

  2. Congrats on the walk – it is always very fulfilling to complete. Anna sounds adorable and I would honk the horn just to hear her mimic it!

  3. I say that all the car companies take out the annoying beep sound our car horns do make and install a recording of Anna saying beep. Just imagine all the traffic jams! Everyone would be so enamoured by her little voice saying “beep” that all you’ll hear amongst the beep sounds is a chorus of “awwws”. It would be the cutest traffic jams ever!
    And this is the kind of delusional comment you’d get after 3 hours of sleep.

  4. qt says:

    Congrats to Mrs. Lessinges on completing the walk – that is a major accomplishment.
    I am certain I could not pull off the legwarmers over jeans look…

  5. Maggie says:

    Hey, incidentally, The World Without Us is one of the books for the Brown Book Project so when it comes up, I’ll be sure and let you know. Then you can join the discussions for it! I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on it. I’m looking forward to reading it myself.
    Congratulations to your wife.

  6. justrun says:

    Sounds like the 3-day was great for everyone. Way to go, again, to your wife and all her supporters.
    I do believe some people could pull off the legwarmer look. I am not one of them… but some people. 🙂

  7. tori says:

    Your wife did awesome! Would it be totally wierd for me to write that I am proud of her? I don’t know why but that sounds kind of funny to me even though it is true.
    I wish your work would fly you near me! So far I have liked all the bloggers I have met, and I would love to meet you in real life too!

  8. ms chica says:

    I like the innocence of beep much better than the street-smart 5yo my cousin encountered. He was a student assistant in a kindergarten class and one little boy had a bad habit of grabbing his crotch and yelling, “Honk Honk, mother fu*cker”
    Innocence is soo fleeting.

  9. ms chica says:

    I almost forgot… congratulate the Missus.

  10. Chris says:

    Great job to all the walkers, especially N-Po!
    Hope you’re having fun in Toronto – are you gonna get to hang with EM? If so, please giver her a big hug from me 🙂
    Have fun and safe travels.

  11. Logo™ says:

    Kudos to the Mrs. She rocks.
    Beep to the baby, she also rocks.
    As for you…leg warmers, really? wow
    I would talk more about blogging…if I did it more.
    Atrophy has set in over there, seriously, I’m thinking I may need to call in a maid service

  12. meno says:

    Congratultions to your wife. It’s really an amazing experience.
    I was walking through Marymoor park on Saturday morning and there were s few thousand pink tents all set up. Almost (ALMOST) made me wish i were walking.

  13. churlita says:

    That’s so cool that your wife did that and that you and Anna were there to support her. I love that Anna beeps now too.

  14. SM says:

    I’d be more impressed if Anna beeped like the roadrunner. Meep meep
    I kid. I’m impressed no matter what (but really…how cool would it be if you taught her to sound like the roadrunner?).
    Leg warmers are awesome. They are coming back, yo. And I’m happy about it. But only because it will provide me hours of entertainment watching other try to pull off the look.
    Have fun in Toronto and if you see EM, give her a big hug from me, too!

  15. thistle says:

    Congrats to the Missus…i almost was talked into doing the Vancouver BC version this year…and will probably get in on it next year…the fund raising stuff is a bit intimidating…but seriously the chance to sleep in a pink tent…so worth it…

  16. brookem says:

    congrats to your wife for the walk! that’s awesome.
    what do “meeting bloggers” and being in toronto have to do with one another? unless you’re meeting miss airam afterall?
    beep! too cute.
    did you see anyone with a muffin top in the airport?

  17. Hell yeah we met! Like I’d miss that opportunity! Egan, no eavesdropping allowed! Your punishment for that was crossing the road while weaving in and out of cars! 😛

  18. SM says:

    EM, I want details! And pictures!

  19. Gwen says:

    8.6 million? That’s impressive!
    How’s Toronto?

  20. Pants says:

    Excellent! I love that the Mrs participated in the walk! And even better to have the beep, beepin, beep support of your adorable wee one.

  21. L says:

    Congratulations to Mrs. Les Singes on her 3 day walk. I’m blown away by how much money was raised. YAY!

  22. brookem says:

    im with SM- deets please!

  23. Golden or NTKTOK says:

    Annalicious beeps? I think I just died.

  24. Eunice says:

    Alissa likes to beep too. When she sees a big truck, she goes, “Booop! Booop!” It cracks me up every time.

  25. sari says:

    Sounds like a great day!!

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