He’s a great kid

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Sammy is here

My son Sammy arrived on Tuesday of last week at 6:20pm. We couldn’t be more proud of the little guy. 


Length – 18.5 inches 

Weight – 7.5 pounds 

Hair – yes and it’s blonde

Posted in Baby Sam | 2 Comments

Two shots of coffee and some cinnamon

Going on two hours sleep isn’t something I recommend. It makes it challenging to be bubbly. It makes it more challenging to be peppy when training software to the masses. I feel sluggish and I think my head is struggling to keep up with my body’s movements. Sure, I hope to take a short nap, shower, shave, and all that other good stuff. Work calls first, then comes time to clean nice and clean. The cats let me pet them longer after I’ve taken a shower and don’t smell like some tech guy working in his garage.

Tomorrow is Halloween, anyone dressing up? I had some good ideas earlier this year and now they’ve all escaped me. My daughter’s going as a devil, I like it very much.

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Software updating addiction

I train software for a living so it’s very hard for me to ignore software updates for any electronic devices when prompted. However this may not always be a good idea. In fact I’m thinking I may need a rule along the lines of the cuddly Gremlins. No updates after midnight.

It probably doesn’t help that my iPhone is 18 months old and my MacBook is pushing eight years old. Together it’s like toddlers teaching each other how to ride a bike, not terribly productive. Also not helping the situation is neither of said devices has any storage so I’ve had to remove a ton of stuff in hopes of resuscitating the iPhone. Technology still is great, but at times it really can test my patience.

Ten years ago about this time I started a blog. Wow! The world sure has changed a lot in those ten years. I’ll save the reminiscing for a future date when I’m more wake and not quite so grumpy.

Posted in Current Affairs, Web/Tech | 2 Comments

The D-word

The rebound is in full swing. Nearly two years have passed since I officially got divorced and I’ve emerged from the tunnel. I’m back to myself. I’m happy, I laugh, I’m employed, and most importantly I am Egan. It wasn’t an easy road as there have been tears, fears, and numerous unpaid bills. The tears, fears, and unpaid bills have vanished as stability returned with permanent employment.

I’m really excited about the future. My daughter started first grade a few weeks ago and we went on two camping trips this past summer. Oh, when I say “our camping trip”… I mean my awesome girlfriend. To preserve her good name, we’ll refer to her as MCM. She moved in with me last summer and it’s going quite well. I have two cats now who pester me to feed them and my girlfriend knows more about cheesy Disney shows than she likely ever imagined. I couldn’t be luckier to have found a more accepting person and family. My girlfriend’s family has been so welcoming of us and it feels wonderful.

About a year ago, my girlfriend encouraged me to take a job I’d typically overlook. One that paid too little, had me driving all over the city, and didn’t appeal to me all that much on paper. Three months later when the job wrapped up after Thanksgiving, I was so happy she convinced me to take the job. I laughed more than any other job and it led to my current full-time gig. It was her support during a bleak unemployment period in 2012 that allowed me to get where I am today, training people how to use software on a daily basis.

It’s funny how things can change. I recall the dark hours and days in 2010 and 2011 when it was decided I’d move out. It was hard because it came on the heels of my best friend getting married. I was in the wedding party and a few weeks later I would enter my own unknown world as a separated/divorced dad. It was truly bittersweet, happy for my friend and his marriage, but sad to acknowledge mine had fizzled.

As things stand now, my ex-wife and I have a pretty solid “working” relationship as we co-parent our daughter. It’s an important reminder that neither one of us were bad people, we simply weren’t meant to be together for the long haul. If you’re looking for me to say disparaging comments about my ex-wife, don’t. There will be no trash talking of my ex-wife on this blog. It’s not what I’m about. We got married young, grew apart, and realized we’re very different people. These things happen in life, but there are lessons that can be learned.

Learning never ends, never. Whether it’s first grade math problems, what job may be beneath us, or that silly look your loved one gives you before drifting off to sleep at night. The learning doesn’t stop, nor should it. For these obstacles are what makes us better people. Rebounding from difficult events is what puts hair on our chests.

Posted in Current Affairs, D word, Grown-ups, MCM | 8 Comments

Comeback planned

Blogging was fun. Why did I stop? Maybe because I became a dad or I was too lazy to make the rounds? I’ve been reading some of my old blog posts and think it’s time for a comeback. If The Hoff can do it, I ought to at least try. Blogging in 2013 seems underground, we’ll have to see how it plays out.

More to come very soon my good friends. Anybody out there? It’s safe to assume Facebook almost killed blogging for me, but I’d like to return. I enjoy reading and most importantly I miss sharing with everyone. Surprisingly I enjoyed writing a lot more than I ever imagined.

My life is on the rebound and I have much good news to share. So let’s do it. Happy Tuesday!

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State of the Man

In three days time I will be on a plane headed to Arizona with my girlfriend. It will be our first trip on a plane together. It’s my first flight in two years when I went to Vegas for my buddy’s bachelor party. Spending some relaxing time in the sun next to a pool will be blissful.

I’m staring my fortieth birthday in the face. I’m honestly not too freaked out about it. Things are on the up and up for me so I’m optimistic my forties will be a solid decade.

Work is going well, I owe a lot less money on my taxes than I expected, I still have full head of hair, people continue to mispronounce my name, I don’t require a listening device at movies, and the next few weeks will be lots of fun between the travel and my big four oh celebration. These are all good things.

At work I get to use my French skills at least twice a week leading two training calls per week. It feels nice to use my second tongue again. It’s been a few years since I last used my French skills regularly so I’m pleased it’s happening. Sure I’m a bit rusty, but it’s definitely improving each week. So much so that there have been times when I’m teaching the English class and nearly say words in French. I consider this a very good thing. I’m certain my dreams in French are just around the corner. Parfait!

Bring on the birthday and all that lies ahead. I’m ready for this!

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Hello, it has been quite some time since I used this forum. I guess I’m brought back here when I feel a need to share how I’m feeling. My life is going much better than this time last year. I’m gainfully employed training people how to use software.

That’s not what I’m here to talk about though. It’s the Wednesday thing. Wednesdays are when I drop-off my daughter at her grade school in the morning and won’t see her for a few days, or in this week’s case… until next Monday.  After almost two years of a similar routine, this day of the week still plagues me. It tears at my heartstrings to know I won’t see her for 3-5 days. While I appreciate the down time, I definitely miss her presence during those days. Her energy and view of the world gives me great comfort.

When I wasn’t working, I would bridge this time by volunteerng at her school or taking her out for lunch on Fridays. When you work, those aren’t viable options so I’m left here daydreaming about her, smiling, reflecting, and perhaps tearing up a bit. I love who my daughter is and all her greatness and faults. For example, this week I sold my beloved 1999 Subaru Impreza. We loved that car, yes both of us loved it. I had to break the news to her Monday after school about the car’s status. Guess what? She cried when I told her the Subaru had been sold. I expected her to be sad, but to cry and ask questions about it as if she lost a friend? That was cute and probably similar to how I’d react as a child. It warmed my heart. We went on to have a nice discussion how we loved the car, but how we can love other cars as well and be thankful for our current circumstances.

The Impreza is simply an object, but I like that she emotes. I hear parents telling their kids “don’t cry Peter, it will be fine” and it makes me cringe. We have feelings so why not express them? Sometimes it’s a tear, sometimes it’s frustration, and sometimes it’s a nice hug before drifting off to sleep surrounded by 18 stuffed animals in your bed. 

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The Monkeys are gone

Hello folks, testing this out since I failed to renew my vanity domain, lessinges.com. Maybe it’s time for a new vanity domain. That one served me well for almost twelve years.

I’m back on the market. Not the dating market, but the pesky job market. We finished our project about 3-4 weeks earlier than expected. Here I am a week after my last day seeking a new job. All I want for Christmas is a full-time job.

Happy holidays everyone! Please be safe and enjoy your loved ones.

Posted in Dumbass Move, Update | 9 Comments


Wow, where has the time gone? (I think all future blog posts will begin this way since that’s how I roll). I want to say I’m alive and well. I’m still looking for work, but that’s the only major pitfall in my life right now and I will not let my employment status dictate my outlook on life. Money is merely an object right?

I’ve been seeing a great woman for over a year now. We celebrated the one year mark Sunday night over a romantic dinner. I know this may seem soon, but she is moving in with me in a couple weeks. I think it will be a great thing for us. Sure, it will require lots of adjustments at first. In the end though, it will be nice to see her more than 3-4 days a week. Still need to break the news to my daughter, but I think she will handle the news like a champ. The two get along really well.

Dating with a child is tough, but I’m learning to embrace aspects of it. Heck, every other weekend I’m childless to do whatever I want. Don’t get me wrong though, I miss my daughter like crazy when she’s away with her mom. It has taken a lot of time to adjust to this, but I’m able to see how it can be a benefit. Weekend getaways!

In other news I’ve been swimming 4-5 days a week. It feels fantastic to be back in the pool. I started swimming again in late March since walking wasn’t meeting my weight loss goals. It feels amazing to be in the pool. It has always felt like a my home away from home. Not only do I love the exercise, but I love the characters I meet during my chlorine-induced coma. Since I’m not working, the pool has become my social outlet. I observe remarkable things there, some cringe-worthy and some rather emotional.

When I do find a job, I will need to cut back drastically on my hours at the pool. I think it’s a trade-off I’m willing to make. Pool or money? I suppose I can and will have both in my life. Aim high big Speedo loving boy!

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