Spark Me Up

Hello from sunny Florida. Okay, maybe I’m not really there as I type this post. We will be there in about 18 hours so I’m pre-posting as I like to do before I go on vacation. I had a sappy post I was going to write about my college experience. I also had plans on finally submitting another Fully Klothed Thursday photo, but it just isn’t going to happen.

You see the power supply (65%) on my iBook just died. I noticed the battery level is steadily on the decline. I examined the power supply and see it’s frayed. I’ve know it’s frayed for quite some time. Upon closer examination the damn cord is sparking. I unplugged it from the wall, but now I’m in a virtual race against time and at a loss what to do.

A new power supply is eighty bucks and is something I would pick up at the local Apple (59%) store tomorrow. Unfortunately we’re leaving for Florida in the early morning hours Thursday. While we’re in Florida, my brother from Atlanta is coming to Seattle to attend his 20th high school anniversary. This is essentially a brother swap as we’re spending the weekend on the east coast and he’s spending his on the west coast. I failed to remember his reunion date when we booked our airfare.

Since he’s going to be here I’d love for him to be able to use this very computer, but the power supply is shot. I guess this means I will shut the iBook completely down when this post is complete and see if he won’t mind buying the (54%) power supply. I could always order it online, but that seems foolish if happens to bring his own computer. There’s my answer, I will wait until Monday or Tuesday of next week to purchase a new one.

The reason I say this is I won’t be able to do any fun pre-posts like I typically do while on vacation. I may be able to check in from Florida. So please take care of yourselves the rest of the week and have a nice weekend. (I did include a archived Fully Klothed Thursday (49%) photo for your viewing pleasure. Who says I’m not a nice guy with a big heart?) Greetings to all from Florida!


About lessinges

Seattle native, discovering life! I like ice cream, cold cereal, and The Amazing Race.
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44 Responses to Spark Me Up

  1. Amanda says:

    That picture always makes me crack up.
    My laptop, when running on battery, also declines very fast. Yesterday when I was trying to use it sans power cord, after only 30 minutes, I was at 40%. Stupid technology sometimes.
    Have a great trip!

  2. Amanda says:

    Wow. First comment two days in a row. Three times in less than a week. Is there some kind of rift in the universe?

  3. Karla says:

    Laptop batteries aren’t so great are they?
    Enjoy your trip, and also, the photo = funny.

  4. justrun says:

    Have a good trip and good call on not using a frayed cord. 😉

  5. mez says:

    My battery goes right down to nothingness in about an hour – it’s ridiculous!
    Those PANTS made me laugh!!

  6. sprizee says:

    Cheater! You’re not even on the plane yet. (But hopefully you’re at the airport already and through security. Otherwise, good luck.) I hope you remembered to pack lots of liquids like I told you. The TSA has the hots for all things wet.

  7. furiousball says:

    I see the post subject as “Spark Me Up” and my thoughts instantly drift back to going to see the dead Spring of 91…my laptop battery thinks it’s in a contest to drain itself as fast as possible all the time.

  8. Mone says:

    Hahaha, that pic IS hillarious!
    Have fun and stay save in Florida. Enjoy the sun, again snowing over here today 🙂

  9. kris says:

    your pics never fail to make me giggle.
    have a wonderful time in florida, my dear, and think of the rest of us questioning how it can be spring when it hasn’t really sprung yet.

  10. caro says:

    Passez de bonnes vacances Mme. Singe, bébé singe et toi, Papa Singe! Reviens-nous vite, la tête et le coeur remplis de nouvelles histoires à partager. Au fait, serais-tu intéressé à ce que je te fasse parvenir le C.D. que j’ai enregistré avec Ti-Buck?

  11. patches says:

    That photo is a cross between “lets scare the children” and “surfs up”. Laptop batteries are so fickle. Have a great trip!

  12. Rachel says:

    Wow… I never thought that I would see such a sexy photo of you Egan. 🙂
    Have fun in Florida.

  13. meno says:

    That pictures shows that you must reproduce frequently so the world can benefit from your greatness.

  14. Burr-ee-toe says:

    I always have this tendency to plug the power supply into my laptop, and then I wonder, why isn’t it charging?? Is it broken? Oh no, its just not plugged into the wall. haha. Silly me.

  15. Tall Chick says:

    My battery used to last about an hour, but now it’s only good for like 3.3333333 minutes.
    Did you have a happy fright?
    Hope all is well in sunny Florida! I expect you won’t be able to do a FKT from there because nobody wears clothes in Florida.

  16. Good for Me says:

    Cervelo – YOU are funny. Hope you have a wonderfully relaxing, fun, care-free time in Florida with your honey.

  17. Pants says:

    You make me want to put on every stitch of clothing I own at the same time.
    Happy Florida!

  18. Jennifer says:

    Have a FABULOUS vacation. I’m very jealous. But you guys are very deserving. Be safe and have too much fun!

  19. Jennifer says:

    Oooo! Has ‘Florida’ been ruled out as a baby name yet?

  20. egan says:

    Everyone – the monkey and Mrs. Lessinges have landed in Florida. All is well here and I will be back with more later. The flight went smoothly and we’re hanging at the in-laws. Ciao for now!

  21. Airam says:

    I want to be somewhere sunny and warm too.

  22. kirk says:

    My battery lasts 3 hours, longer if I don’t use the DVD. Big dark secret of PC industry: Batteries only last one year. Sometimes less depending on how many charges you have.
    I have a six hour flight to Tokyo leaving in 1 hour. And then a 13 hour flight to Chicago. Then a two hour flight to Austin. Unless I fall asleep at an airport somewhere along the way, I’ll be sleeping in my bed on Friday night.

  23. Phil says:

    Have a great holiday Lessinges Three!

  24. Diane Mandy says:

    Those aren’t the speedos, are they? Have a great trip!

  25. Enjoy Florida! See you (well, sorta) when you get back. Remember, even though it don’t rhyme, the east coast is the best coast.

  26. egan says:

    Amanda – congrats on making the top spot again. I think you have a well adjusted RSS feeder. Be careful how you use it. Yeah, batteries are just alright sometimes. You feel me dawg?
    Amanda – of course there’s a rift, I’m in Florida.
    Karla – Monkey Boy + batteries + cats = true love.
    Justrun – when I saw sparks, I unplugged it since I’m a smart guy.
    Mez – in only an hour? Hey, those are pants, those are pajama bottoms.
    Sprizee – the TSA left me alone because I told them I was a star blogger. Amazing how well this works.
    Furiousball – The Dead? You mean Rolling Stones right?
    Mone – snowing again? How are your plants doing with this?
    Kris – I’m glad the pics amuse you. Has spring sprung? Funny, but in college we use to joke about being horned out using that same expression. Yep, we were dorks.
    Caro – salut! Je reviens. Qu’est-ce que c’est Ti-buck? J’ai des histoires a partager.
    Patches – meow! Hey, batteries are fickle. I’m going to embarrass our daughter big time when she’s older.
    Rachel – and of course you could see this one coming a mile away because I’m taking sexay back.
    Naynayfazz – you bet your ass it’s hawt.
    Meno – I adore this comment of yours. Thanks for the smile.
    Burr-ee-toe – you’re very silly. I won’t hold it against you though.
    Tall Chick – so right you are about the clothes thing here in Florida. I learned even more about AP stuff while on the plane thanks to a book a bought my wife called Sippy Cups Aren’t for Chardonnay. I’m glad you gave me a head’s up on that.

  27. egan says:

    Good for Me – if you insist on calling me funny, that’s cool. We’re doing our best to relax.
    Pants – are you trying to seduce me?
    Jennifer – aw, thanks for saying that. So far things are going pretty well. I love the cloud formations here in Florida. Have a good weekend yourself.
    Jennifer – Florida hasn’t been ruled out just yet. Stay tuned though.
    Airam – I will chat with my wife and see if you can visit us down here. I’m sure it shouldn’t be a problem. If it’s not sunny and warm you might want to change your mind.
    Kirk – a year for batteries? Huh, I’ve never changed our iBook battery. It’s the power supply cord that’s get the problems. Safe travels back home.
    Phil – thank you sir, we’re enjoying ourselves thus far. Friday will be all about the pool time and baby gear. Yes,
    Diane Mandy – nice line. Nope, they are two pillows. You earned big bonus points using that reference. Ciao.
    Malnurtured Snay – I will enjoy Florida as best as possible and I’ll catch you on the virtual flip side. Have you been to the West Coast often?

  28. Mone says:

    The cherry trees were already in blossom, that is not very good. But I think since it didn’t get to coold it may be o.k. The weatherman said it will be realy springtime like on the weekend, so we’ll see, I dont trust him yet because it doesnt look like it, hahaha.

  29. egan says:

    Mone – I love our cherry trees. They are all in bloom right now and look awesome. Their flowers are so cool. Damn those weathermen, they aren’t to be trusted.

  30. Tall Chick says:

    That sounds like a fun book. 🙂 I see you’re adapting well to the Eastern Time Zone. 🙂

  31. egan says:

    Tall Chick – the book is interesting. I’d be interested to hear your take on it. You could plow through it in a few hours. My body is all sorts of messed up right now. Sleeping on a mattress soiled with cat piss will do that to you.

  32. Tall Chick says:

    OK, that’s disturbing.
    I have a feeling there is going to be a substantial amount of reading in my future. Sigh.

  33. egan says:

    Tall Chick – what do you mean by the reading thing? As in this little trip to Florida will generate material or I will refer you to various parenting books? We’ll just have to see. I value your opinion, need I say more.

  34. Amanda says:

    There are special ways to use an RSS Feed? How do I be careful?

  35. egan says:

    Amanda – yes, if it’s not finely tuned you could end up waking in the middle of the night thinking someone has commented on your blog. I’m just saying.

  36. Tall Chick says:

    I’m couch-ridden. 😛

  37. Tall Chick says:

    It’s not that I mind reading. It’s just that this not being allowed/able to walk thing is the pits.

  38. egan says:

    Tall Chick – you’re couch-ridden from your tkd injury? Yes, I know what it’s like not to exercise when you’re an active person.

  39. Amanda says:

    I have much to learn.

  40. Tall Chick says:

    Yes. This bites. I hobbled to class on my crutches to watch and they played my favourite game, which we haven’t done in MONTHS and MONTHS and MONTHS. (“kick the helmet” flying sidekicks – kick a sparrig helmet hanging by a string from teh ceiling) AND they went a half hour over playing it. Wah. I shall wallow in my self-pity now.

  41. Candy says:

    I remember that pic! It makes you look like you’re wearing ballet flats, haha.

  42. Cake Lady says:

    I have only one question. What the hell is that on your feet? Are those ballet slippers?

  43. egan says:

    Amanda – that you do young lady. Stay tuned here and you can learn with me.
    Tall Chick – no more wallowing. You will be be back and ready to kick some major grasshopper ass.
    Candy – maybe they are ballet flats.
    Cake Lady – they are two-toned socks. Very warm socks I tend to wear in the winter months.

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