In My Office

You better believe it, we love to blog.  Or at least we like to put ourselves out there.  At times I wonder if this is a good thing or not.  Personally I started blogging to voice my dissatisfaction with the 2004 election and as an opportunity to work on my writing skills.  Since then I’ve learned so much via this fantastic medium.  While I think blogging is one of the coolest things I’ve discovered in the past five years or so, others may disagree.  Where there’s good; one can also find bad. 

The good:

  • meet new people
  • instant support group
  • learn new things
  • virtual eavesdropping
  • easier than creating your own website
  • create your own online persona
  • unnecessary to send out emails with updates on your life

The bad:

  • deceptive
  • false sense of security/trust
  • time spent reading/commenting/composing posts
  • temptation
  • those who don’t blog rarely understand why you blog
  • habit forming
  • malicious attacks from vengeful bloggers
  • little legal recourse due to the newness of blogging

I touched on the topic of blogging last week when I solicited your feedback on the type of blog I maintain.  I think it’s interesting to see how blogging has changed since I started.  I’ve seen a fair amount of weird stuff in the world of blogging.  I’ve read about people dating other bloggers, meeting up with bloggers while traveling, and there’s even this one guy who was gifted a Wii by his beloved readers.  Sadly you also have bloggers who enjoy antagonizing others by stealing their posts and/or photos then claiming them as their own or tweaking the photos in hurtful ways. 

What is the status of blogging?  Can we look into a crystal ball and predict if blogs will be around 5-10 years from now?  I sure hope they will be.  Where else can I sit down in front of the computer, type out my thoughts, click Publish, and then people around the world can read it?  It’s a pretty remarkable tool if you really think about it. 

The networking aspect is really what enhances the experience for me.  Without the networking, I don’t think I would derive the same amount of joy.  My chances to meet new people are sort of limited at this stage of my life (married with a child) thus why blogging is so great.  You read a blog you identify with, you get curious about the author, and you read more and more about them.  Eventually it’s possible for someone you’ve never met in the flesh to gain the title of "friend".  How does this happen?   This is perhaps the biggest stumbling block for those who don’t blog.  Meeting "strangers" online and then corresponding regularly with them via their blogs, emails, phone calls, or face-to-face contact.

Blogging is wicked good if you ask me.  Yet I can’t help thinking how many bloggers have been deceived by other bloggers, as previously mentioned above, with disastrous results.  Some get caught up in twisted tales by real and anonymous bloggers.  I’d be willing to bet most counselors and lawyers in the U.S. are now acutely aware of the term blogs.  Where do we go from here?

About lessinges

Seattle native, discovering life! I like ice cream, cold cereal, and The Amazing Race.
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73 Responses to In My Office

  1. Tall Chick says:

    I say left. Or maybe right. Well, we could continue straight on, and just stop if there’s, like, a flock of sheep in the road or something. Or a fork.

  2. Tall Chick says:

    Did someone tweak a picture of you in a hurtful way or something?
    I know you’re not talking about that one of you in the bandoliers and bikini thinggy cuz no way was that a Photoshop.

  3. Tall Chick says:

    I didn’t want your comment box to feel lonely. Plus, I’m trying to decide if it’s worth writing for 5 mins before I have to get ready to teach. . .

  4. egan says:

    Tall Chick – leave it to you to take a silly stance on this. I bet there are sheep in your neck of the woods. How goes it?

  5. Tall Chick says:

    I’m leaning towards no, in case you couldn’t tell.

  6. Tall Chick says:

    Yo! Efo!!
    Sheep – yes, some, but more horses, really.
    It goes well, thank you!
    How’s your MIL? What’s the next step?

  7. egan says:

    Tall Chick – nope, so far I’ve remained relatively unscathed. I do know many others who haven’t been so fortunate. You love my comment box don’t you? Nah, it’s not worth it. Just hang out here for a bit. Enjoy a beverage or two.

  8. Tall Chick says:

    Wait, this isn’t anthging that’s going to get me in trouble at class is it?
    Glad to hear that no one committed any blog atrocities against you. 🙂

  9. egan says:

    Tall Chick – the next step is awaiting the pathology lab results. Thanks for asking. Those should be in later this week. From there they can determine whether or not radiation is necessary.
    Tall Chick – do your kids ride horses?

  10. egan says:

    Tall Chick – which beverage are you consuming? Shall we get a room?

  11. Tall Chick says:

    Wow, so radiation isn’t a given? Great! I’m hoping for the best!
    My kids would love to ride horses, but, no. Barring a large sack of $ falling from the sky, they don’t. Someday we’ll get out there and take a jaunt or two, though.

  12. Tall Chick says:

    I don’t know. I’m just drinking whatever you offered. I trusted you. Damn that false sense of security!

  13. Tall Chick says:

    Is it fizzy Starbucks?

  14. Tall Chick says:

    It tastes of lentils.

  15. egan says:

    Tall Chick – you’re out of control. This feels like the old days of blogging. Why does it have to cost money to ride horses? Sucky. I will send one to them they can have. It might be a fake horse, but it will do the trick.

  16. Tall Chick says:

    Perfect! Fake horses don’t take much room or eat a lot. OMG have you looked at how much it costs to ride horses these days? I think the horses formed a union.

  17. Tall Chick says:

    OK, really ciao now!

  18. egan says:

    Tall Chick – I love love love those Eddie Izzard Lego™ videos. They are such a great idea. Now I’ve had my fill of laughing for the day. Merci!
    le singe est dans l’arbre!

  19. Diane Mandy says:

    I agree with your pros and cons list wholeheartedly. I’m not sure what the future of blogging is, but I will surely enjoy doing it as long as I can.

  20. justrun says:

    Where do we go from here? Hopefully, forward. Carefully. I think it’s important to be cautious. Then again, I err on the side of caution in most of life anyway.

  21. Katy says:

    Dude, yo! Are you blogging from work?? Naughty man …

  22. brandy says:

    Yep, I agree with the stuff on your list. Plus, I like knowing that if I want music suggestions for my ipod, I have 30 people willing to give me their suggestions. That is a good thing. Sounds like you got the blog love. Perhaps you should stop hating NaBloPoMo and give it a try? Just sequester yourself for the next 30 days, miss a month of Anna milestones/family time so you can post to me daily on what soup you are having for lunch.
    Think about it and get back to me.

  23. Golden says:

    You know, this is an interesting post. I still don’t have a blog, and I virtually eavesdropped on you, as you know. 😉 I am an avid writer, and a voracious reader (ooh.. she said ‘voracious’) so I love this whole blog thing. I am going to start my own someday. There is good and bad in everything. Frankly, I chose to see the good in this. I got to share in your baby Anna experience which was wonderful and I think you’re getting to see an ENTIRELY different side of me from 5 years ago. When I was some stupid manager somewhere.. in a land far far away.

  24. egan says:

    Diane Mandy – that’s for real, let’s just see where it takes us. I think blogs are kinder now, if that makes any sense.
    Justrun – is this why I don’t see any Fully Klothed pictures of yourself on your blog? Put some clothes on young lady!
    Katy – shit, you busted me. I am blogging from work. Alert the authorities. There’s a mad blogger on the loose. Spank me!
    Brandy – you and your undying love for NaMoBlogHosBloJo. You will not convince me to do that, no way. You can taunt me with Kevin Costner photos, I like those bribes.
    Golden – you will never start a blog, you know it. It’s easier to read mine and comment here than create a new one. Yes, I’ve learned more about you via blogging than when I worked for you. I wonder if that should be added to the con list instead of pro though. I’m glad you’ve found my slice of the internet though as it’s cool to read your comments and learn more about you.

  25. Lynn says:

    Thought provoking post, as usual. Although I know that there are deceitful people out there, it seems to me that it would take an awful lot of energy to blog and pretend that you are someone other than who you are. I can’t imagine spinning such a convoluted web, and keeping track of the lies, not only in your posts but also in your comments. Seems like a lot of work, and for what gain?

  26. Golden says:

    I swear! I’m gonna start a blog! Just as soon as I turn over that new leaf and stop eating sugar and run 5 miles every day and pay all my bills on time and balance my check book…..
    Why should it be on the Con side?

  27. tori says:

    I am way way way too trusting that what people tell me is true. I have not yet gotten burned, but I know it is possible. I would never write something that isn’t true, so I take it for fact that other people won’t either. I KNOW that isn’t true, and I KNOW I should not believe everything people tell me, but I want so badly to believe that people are good and honest. Are you really a woman? Is that what you are trying to tell us?

  28. egan says:

    Lynn – you would be really surprised at the lengths some would go to mess with people/bloggers. I guess it’s not all that different than real life. I don’t think there’s much to gain. I think I read too many blogs, that’s my problem.
    Golden – you’re one of the few non-bloggers that understands the lure of blogging. I say it as a con as perhaps I should have learned more about you in person. I think we almost get too comfy in our electronic world and find it easier to communicate that way. You’re funny about your blog intentions.

  29. tori says:

    Are you skipping me on purpose?

  30. egan says:

    Tori – oops, my bad. I didn’t mean to look over your comment. You’re a very good person. I want to trust everyone too, but sadly I’ve become a tad jaded based on the some mischevious bloggers. I don’t always blog the truth, but usually it’s very clear when I’m kidding. You know…

  31. Airam says:

    We’ve talked about this before but when I started to blog I was kind of in a bubble. I knew that other blogs were out there but I wasn’t really interested in reading them (I know I’m so selfish). I started out blogging for the same reasons as you … to just write. Out of nowhere it just kind of blew up for me. I stumbled on a blog I really liked and kept going back. That led to other blogs and so on. It’s sad that others ruin all the pros that you’ve listed by being asshats … but that goes with anything. When you think about it, there will always be people out there who will take advantage of a good thing. I’ve had my run-ins but thankfully nothing major had come of it and I was able to get out of it unscathed (and they left me alone). I think that as long as we keep focus on the positive aspects of blogging and ignore the stupid people … well then it will be ok. I don’t like how I ended that sentence. Oh well.

  32. Neil Kirby says:

    Where do we go from here? Onwards. I don’t think it’s dead but I see a lot of readjustment for a number of reasons. Early adopters have run out of things to say or haven’t got the time/commitment to keep it going, and many have moved to other networks – Facebook for example – that take much less time and effort for more visible effect.
    But I do think there is a viable core and place for blogging. All I need is a bit more time.

  33. Tall Chick says:

    Amen to the time thing, TG!

  34. Winters says:

    Splendid post monsieur, as always.
    I thought your good and bad lists were spot on.
    And Neil Kirby’s point about the temptation to defect to lower maintenance networks was strikingly apposite.

  35. Judi says:

    Well I consider you a “real” friend and we met ’cause you were the cute monkey with a blog.
    I’ve gone through lots of personal changes that were chronicled in a couple of my blogs and I have no doubt that I wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t had the outlet in which to write and release.
    I have lost friends along the way, but I chalk that up to being their fault, not mine.

  36. Golden says:

    Ahh.. yes. I am entirely guilty of getting too comfortable ‘making friends’ electronically. And I know what you mean about the con thing, but you know… and I’ve wanted to actually say this for a while.. and this is probably a PRO for blogging, because who knows if I ever would have in person.. anyway.. what was I saying? Oh!I was going to say that you’re a pretty neat guy and I didn’t know this side of you.. and you would have never known that I’m not the nazi everybody thought I was.. haahaa!! Did that make any sense? I think I’m rambling now. Endorphin high from the stair master.

  37. jeci says:

    Egan, speaking of getting to know strangers over the Internet, as a mostly-stranger I have to say…your daughter is beautiful and I’m happy–glad!–for you and Mrs. Les Singes! And, I’m so, so sorry to hear about your mother in law and wish her (and everyone in your family) well.

  38. brookem says:

    i like this post a lot egan. you list some really good pros and cons to blogging. i started blogging for similar reasons as you (minus the 2004 election). with so many things in life, i try to look at both sides, good and bad, pros and cons, etc. where to go from here? not really sure. as ive mentioned, lately im of the mentality of, “if it feels good, do it,” which i will continue to do, until blogging doesnt feel good, or right anymore. or the cons seem to be outweighing the pros.

  39. JQ says:

    The future of blogging is the place where every person with a computer becomes a published author. Every crappy story or mundane daily event of Joe Schmoe’s life carried across the sky, or along buried cables and pumped into every body’s home. Instant unreliable news and millions of opinions that neither matter nor need to be heard. A complete break down of social interaction with an equally sharp rise in recluse activity.
    Oh wait a minute, the future is here.

  40. brandy says:

    NaMoPloJoBloHo is a great idea Egan. Are you scared to share your soup selections with the readers? As for the KC, I would never cheapen the mans worth and use him as a bribe. Perhaps that Jamie Oliver lad I was in love with a long time ago, I would use him as a bribe. Do you find him attractive?
    Oh, and on a serious note- I’m just going to ditto everything Airam said. I like her. She’s smart.

  41. Interesting post. I am a secret blogger (no-one in my real life knows I blog) but I imagine if I did talk about it (and therefore about my blog friends) they would think I was crazy.

  42. Amanda says:

    I like the ‘virtual eavesdropping’. I used to be a non-believer until I started blogging this year and now I’m addicted. Its funny how non-bloggers just don’t understand it.

  43. armalicious says:

    Ha. This post gets a comment from the girl who is trying to resist the temptation of blogging. Nah. I’m not commenting because I feel like I have to…I’m doing it because I want to weigh in on this subject because I feel that I have some expertise in this… Not that I had to validate my commenting…but well, it’s how I roll. Besides…I’m comment 45? (Possibly 46 or higher depending on how long it takes me to write this and who comments before I’m finished). Que the hell? It’s funny how when you let life be your priority over blogging how far down you get in the comment chain.
    Anyway, I agree with the others that your pros and cons list is pretty damn accurate. Since I am currently dealing with the ramifications of blog addiction and temptation and how it can hurt real-life relationships if the blogger isn’t completely honest with their real-life counterparts, I read this post with an entirely new perspective. Your second to last paragraph packs the most punch, though. That is the biggest obstacle for my non-blogger husband.
    Where do we go from here? Great question. For me, I’m letting life take priority right now. Someday I hope blogging can be a healthy addition to my life – not the only thing in my life. I hope others maybe keep that in mind too. And those who don’t have their inner circle in the loop (meaning their husbands, wives, significant others) that they try to educate them that blogging isn’t the big bad. Because keeping it a secret or letting it be something that you just don’t talk about because they don’t “understand” will end up making it worse. And then all the pros of blogging are tainted.
    Blogger awareness…not just for bloggers.

  44. Your pros and cons for blogging are extremely accurate – I began meeting people on the net way before blogging as I had/have an interative site up for the book I recently had gotten published It was on Women’s health issues so I met ad networked with a lot of women. Oddly enough I also met my husband on the net and we’ve been happily married for ten years
    (just celebrated last week!)

  45. Eunice says:

    I am on board with your reasons for blogging and benefits gained. I can currently count 6 bloggers that I consider as good a friend as those I know in “real life” (you included, of course!)
    I am curious to know why you would say blogging is deceptive?

  46. Michelle says:

    We remain our true blogger selves and keep using it in a positive therapeutic/supportive/expressive way that we do. The rest will get blogger karma.
    It is interesting though how much blogging has changed! I started my first blog 5 years ago (and deleted it eventually), but in just that short amount of time it has already changed so much.

  47. furiousball says:

    My parents both started reading my blog on a daily basis. I’ve never posted anything nasty towards them, but in a way, it kind of collapsed a world on me at first. Now though, they enjoy it and I’ve came to the realization that it’s just like a big global conversation and it works for me.
    I think I’ve got 2 bloggers that I actually know in real life.

  48. Think Jacob says:

    Wow, 51 comments later…
    My wife’s one of those people who doesn’t understand why I blog, and hates that I share personal details of our lives. However, like you said, you get an instant support group. I blogged about some bleary financial trouble that my wife and I were having, and my blogger buddies really gave me some good advice and reassuring words that I feel really helped me get through it without going nuts.
    I blog because it’s like therapy, because I love to share things I like with others, and because it’s good writing practice, albeit I write like shit when I blog.

  49. qt says:

    To echo other comments, it seems like it would take a LOT of energy to set up a blog for a fake persona, so that you can take advantage of other, unsuspecting bloggers. What is the motivation? I think we just throw those people in the barrel marked “DERANGED” and worry about other stuff, non?

  50. churlita says:

    My blogging experiences have been mostly good. Once I took off my email address, I eliminated the source for the creeps to idnetify themselves and I now I can remain blissfully ignorant.

  51. egan says:

    Airam – yeah, that’s kind of my point. It’s not really surprising there are folks who take advantage of trusting bloggers. Sadly, it’s how society works.
    Neil Kirby – hello sir and welcome to my blog. You’ve got some great points there. I think many started blogging for the wrong reasons. As far as I’m concerned, using Facebook or MySpace isn’t really blogging, but that’s just me. You need a bit more time to do what? Thanks for the visit and comment.
    Winters – yeah, that Neil guy made some excellent points. The pro/con list kept changing in my head. You have a very cool online persona by the way.
    Judi – you really did nail it, the support group created by blogging is super cool. I think when people need to offer advice, they can really be quite helpful. Thanks.
    Golden – your comment totally makes sense. I was a bit unhappy in that role where we worked together. Burnout in that line of work is rather fast so you didn’t get to see the best side of me. Who would call you a nazi? Jerks!
    Jeci – great to hear from you again. Did the bike ride go well? Thanks for the thoughtful comments about my mother-in-law. She called my wife yesterday and seemed back to her old self already. Oh, we like Anna too. Thanks for the visit.
    Brookem – what you’re telling me is that blogging “is what it is” right? I thought so.
    JQ – I was just going to say, sounds like the day is already here… but that was your punchline. Does Jamie Farr have a blog?
    Brandy – hey you, aka lover of all things NaMoPloJoBloHo related, I had to search for Jamie Oliver. Okay, back from the research. He looks kind of goofy. If you dug the lad, then so do I. Does he have to spike his hair or is that how he rolls? I will never cheapen KC again. You mock me with your Airam comment. Very funny.
    Airam – stop it!
    Guilty Secret – do you mind telling me why you chose the anonymous blogging option? I won’t judge as I know many who prefer the faceless blogging.
    Amanda – the virtual eavesdropping was one of the coolest things I found. It’s fun to read what someone does with their time.
    Armalicious – I’m not going to lie here, your situation provided a lot of fuel for this post. Not the only fuel, but I did draw much from your current situation. Thank you for coming out of retirement to chime in. I really think there’s a huge benefit to having the family included on the blogging. It takes away much of the awkwardness surrounding blogging. I also applaud you for making the tough decision many bloggers won’t, quitting cold turkey. Good luck.
    Princess Extraordinaire – wow, you met your hubby online. That’s pretty cool. I’m glad it’s worked out so well. Ten years is something to celebrate alright.
    Eunice – I’m glad you don’t see the deceptive side of blogging. It’s out there though. There’s an undercurrent of bloggers who are rather dishonest about who they are. That’s why I call it deceptive. I’m glad you consider me a friend. Someday we’ll meet in person.
    Michelle – you have a great point. Let’s hope the good can beat out the evil. Blogging does change fast. I remember when I started reading them, hardly anyone commented.
    Furiousball – the parents reading the blog can be tricky. I have one brother that reads mine and it’s all good. I almost told my mom about it this past weekend. I really don’t care if she reads it. I would guess she’d rather chat with me on the phone though.

  52. egan says:

    Think Jacob – I think my wife was similar to your wife at one point. I’m not really sure what turned the corner, but eventually she started reading my blog every week or so. I think this may have marked a turning point. She could then see it mainly serves as a creative outlet for me. You and I are similar once again on the therapy bit. I think there’s much to be gained by sharing stories with people we’ll most likely never meet. I know that sounds odd, but it works for me.
    QT – that would be awesome to throw them in a big barrel. I think they will always be there. Be thankful you haven’t encountered much of this stuff. It’s a real pain in the ass if you get sucked in.
    Churlita – yeah, wise choice to remove the email. There are many freaks out there in cyberspace wanting to contact fun people such as yourself. Now I’m wondering about my email address.

  53. justrun says:

    Yep. Figured me out. And it only took like a year. 🙂

  54. Jennifer says:

    I’ve been relatively unscathed, with one significant exception. But even that didn’t stop me from being true to what I want my blog to be, in the end. But this here internet sure can be a scary place for the unsuspecting.
    Regarding the state of blogging, I remember a discussion we had months back about its popularity waning. I’ve noticed an alarming increase in old favorites hanging up the keyboard in recent times. It makes me wonder. Is it all a phase? Will bloggers never die, just fade away, while a whole new “generation” steps in to take their place in this medium?

  55. Maggie says:

    Ok, I couldn’t read everyone’s comments so if I stutter, sorry. I blog for the very reason of connection. I found myself trapped (sort of) in a house in a corner of the world where I know not many people and taking care of twin babies. I was sorely in need of outside connection. Thus the blog. And now I have made friends and it saved my life, truly. I’m actually a sane person today because someone took pity on me and commented on my blog. A real person said something to me. I love blogging. I love that people I care about live in Seattle, Michigan, Georgia, California and even New Zealand. I love that they care about me too. Its a great place to be.

  56. egan says:

    Justrun – ha, I may have used some creative liberties in my comment about clothing. Don’t do what I said.
    Jennifer – the unsuspecting. From the looks of my comments, there are still some naive bloggers. Not saying naive is bad, but it’s important to know there are some bad apples out there. It does seem like there are less bloggers, but it could be a phase. Are we going to be like today’s radio ham operators? I sure hope not.
    Maggie – many may call blogging some sort of virtual world, but the feelings are real. The connections you make with people are real. For the reasons you stated too. I’m glad Meno reached out to you. She’s a great person, one I’ve yet to meet but have good intentions to meet someday. Thanks for your feedback.

  57. Tall Chick says:

    I blog to procrastinate.
    Actually, I tried to blog anonymously, and I’d really like to, but I just can’t.

  58. Eunice says:

    I guess you are right about the deceptive bloggers. I guess I’m just naive enough to believe that everyone is as honest about who they are as I am (which, I have to admit, I’m more real as a blogger than I am in real life — I guess it’s the anonymity of blogging that allows me to tell it like it is without fear of recourse).

  59. Golden says:

    Let me clarify my comment, I didn’t mean to imply that you came off as a “not neat” guy back in the day. What I was saying was that I was too into being a ‘manager’ to try to get to know people. I was saying it was me that was the ‘not neat’ person! Bottom line.. it was just a weird situation and it wasn’t condus(c?)ive to getting to know somebody like this blog is!

  60. Golden says:

    Geez, I need to start my own blog just from my comments alone.

  61. liv says:

    I think I’ve experienced every pro and con on that list. Blogging has been wonderful and deathly painful for me. Others blogging about me maliciously has cut me to my core. I have learned things that I never wanted to know. There are times when I would turn back, but I then clear my head and think not.

  62. kim says:

    It’s true, there are crazies in every walk of life and no better place to hide than the anonymity of the internet. I did the chat thing years ago and met some of the best friends of my life and also some of the biggest fakes and liars. Blogging for me has been something I do when I have time, I read more than I write and I definitely don’t comment as much as I should, but I enjoy it so much I cant imagine it disappearing any time soon. The best part about it is the real people like you who share their ups and downs and the greatest experiences of their lives like your little Ana. It makes me feel like part of something I wouldn’t otherwise get to experience … thank you Egan *hugs*

  63. Pants says:

    I love blogging and I’ve met some wonderful people through it…I’m going through withdrawals not being able to read/post during work!

  64. ChickyBabe says:

    The future is what WE make of it today.

  65. Cake Lady says:

    I have done a few bad things in my life but starting a blog is something that I am proud of and will continue to do. I agree, blogging is wicked good.

  66. Airam says:

    Did you hear anything? I need to email you.

  67. Airam says:

    Oh and Happy Halloween! I can’t wait to see your Dwight costume!

  68. egan says:

    Tall Chick – ha, I also blog to procrastinate. Shall we join a therapy group? I do get the appeal in anonymous blogging, it’s just not for me.
    Eunice – see, you’re easy to persuade. This is why I like you. The vast majority of bloggers just put themselves out there. I find this to be a good thing.
    Golden – I wasn’t confused by what you said so no worries. I know being a manager can be demanding as you get tugged in many direction, much like a politican. Let me know when you start your own blog. It will be très interessant.
    Liv – malicious attacks about you? I don’t get why anyone would do that. I think people need to learn how to use the “Next Blog” button a bit better.
    Kim – now that was very kind of you. Come to think of it, you say lots of complimentary things to me. You’re trying to become a bff of mine aren’t you? Seriously, thanks for reading and commenting.
    Pants – I consider myself lucky to have met you in person. It’s been fun knowing you for a few years now. (/end sappy mode)
    ChickyBabe – ain’t that the truth. We can make it a better by not stooping to “their” level. Meow.
    Cake Lady – can you tell me about the bad things you’ve done in your life? I want to know. Blogging is one of the best things I started too. We can be bffs I think.
    Airam – did you unhook a button or something? Are you making an advance on me?
    Airam – thanks, it’s Halloween here and I’m not dressed as anything. I will rectify this somehow.

  69. kelwhy says:

    you know how i feel – blogging ROCKS! I mean – if it weren’t for blogging, I wouldn’t have met this totally cool, freakishly hot dude out in seattle. LOL! He was a 6 ft vanilla. mmmhhhmm!

  70. Carrie says:

    I love this post: and I too hope that we bloggers keep going – even when our lives get in the way!

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